What is DeviantArt's policy around sexual, erotic, and fetish themes?

DeviantArt strives to accept as wide a range of creative works and themes as possible. However, there are boundaries put in place with regard to sexual, erotic, and fetish themes to define what is acceptable, and where, for the safety and well-being of all deviants.
Type of Content
(What you submit to DeviantArt, including posts and art made with AI, Photoshop, or other tools.)
Public Content
(Content anyone can access, such as deviations)
Paid Content
(Content requiring payment to access, like Subscriptions, Premium Galleries, etc.)
Nude illustrations or photos, non-sexual in presentation.
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
Erotic Content
Sensual or sexualized content that is non-pornographic.
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
Erotic Anthro Content
Sensual or sexualized, but non-pornographic, content depicting anthro characters, furries, or animals with human characteristics.
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
Explicit Illustrated Content
Illustrative representations of explicit themes, including, but not limited to: masturbation, sexual intercourse, sexual bodily fluids or waste, erections, vaginal or anal spreading or penetration, and use of adult-oriented toys.
❌ Forbidden
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
Soft Vore Content
Content depicting characters or people being swallowed, with no harm, bloodshed, or injury to the characters.
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
✓ Allowed with Mature Tag
Hard Vore Content
Content depicting characters or people being eaten alive, the tearing, chewing or digestion of flesh, or cannibalism.
❌ Forbidden
❌ Forbidden
Representations of explicit themes using real people or the likeness of real people.
❌ Forbidden
❌ Forbidden
Anthro Pornography
Representations of explicit themes using real people or the likeness of real people dressed as anthro characters, furries, or animals with human characteristics.
❌ Forbidden
❌ Forbidden
Celebrity or Public Figure
The mature, sexual, or explicit representation of a celebrity or public figure.
❌ Forbidden
❌ Forbidden
Child Exploitation
Content depicting sexualized minors, regardless of medium. See Zero-Tolerance Policy section below.
❌ Forbidden. Content will be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in compliance with applicable law.
❌ Forbidden. Content will be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in compliance with applicable law.

Avatars, Cover Images, and Preview Images

Avatars, cover images, and preview images have specific rules:

  • Personal and group avatars cannot contain any mature or explicit content.
  • Cover and preview images for deviations, Premium Downloads, and Exclusives can contain mature content—but not explicit content—provided the deviations have the Mature label applied.
  • Cover and preview images for galleries, Premium Galleries, commissions, and subscription tiers cannot contain any mature or explicit content.

Depictions of Real People

Depicting real people in sexual or erotically-themed artwork in any context (be it photography, video, or digitally-created artwork of a real person’s likeness) requires the express knowledge and written consent of the models, who must also be at least 18 years old at the time of the artwork’s creation. 

While providing written consent is not necessary when you submit your artwork to DeviantArt, a DeviantArt team member may request a model release form if the model or another person contacts the team with regards to your deviation. If you are unable to provide a model release form upon request, your artwork may be taken down. Learn more about DeviantArt’s manipulated media policy.

“Aging Up” Characters

Explicit content featuring “aged-up” versions of characters can ONLY be submitted to subscription tiers or Premium Galleries, and they must meet the following criteria: 

  • All aspects of the deviation (including title, tags, description, and gallery placement) must indicate that the artwork features altered versions of the characters that are over 18.
  • No aspect of the deviation should indicate or insinuate that the version of the depicted character is or might be underage.
  • The design of the aged-up character must demonstrate a genuine, good-faith effort to render the character as an adult, and cannot be too similar to the original character’s design.

These deviations are subject to review by the DeviantArt team and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

DeviantArt has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to child exploitation or offensive or graphic content, including, but not limited to:

  • Artwork depicting sexual violence, or the glorification of sexual violence or non-consensual intercourse
  • Artwork depicting assault or physical violence presented in a way meant to be sexually stimulating or arousing
  • Fictional child characters
  • Offering sexual services
  • Sexual fetishes that are difficult to distinguish from non-consensual sex
  • Fringe sexual fetishes such as incest, necrophilia, amputation, cannibalism, or other similar themes.

If you post content of this nature, DeviantArt reserves the right to terminate your account without notice. Some situations may be complicated and can include personal, historical, or educational intent as part of their narrative, and the DeviantArt team will take said context into account, but the content will be removed if it is found to glorify or sensualize the theme it depicts.

Decisions involving the addition of a Mature Content tag, removal of material, or suspension or termination of accounts are final.

If you see a deviation that violates the aforementioned policies, report it so the team can handle it, and if you have a question or concern, please contact DeviantArt Customer Support.