What is Mature Content?

DeviantArt is a community devoted to creative expression, and its policies recognize that sometimes creative works can occasionally be considered objectionable or offensive to some viewers while that same content is considered to be inoffensive or safe to other viewers.

Creative works posted by members of DeviantArt can contain themes which some viewers may wish to otherwise avoid; controversial political or religious opinion, violence, gore, strong language, nudity or even themes involving sexual content. These subject matters, among others, are considered to be “mature content” under DeviantArt policies.

Mature Content on DeviantArt refers to submissions which contain content that may not be suitable for some audiences. To ensure everyone has a pleasant and enjoyable browsing experience, artwork containing these subject matters need to be labeled as mature during the submission process.
Even though DeviantArt features a mature content filtering system, our policies still prohibit certain obscene or explicit sexual materials, hate propaganda, and certain other subject matter.

Mature Content in Avatars

Personal and group avatars are not allowed to contain mature content of any kind.

Labeling Deviations as Mature Content

Labeling your work as mature is straightforward, and also required when you submit your artwork to DeviantArt. To do so, click the Mature checkbox in the "Label options" section of the submission page when submitting a new deviation or editing your existing deviations. 

Labeled content will be concealed behind a special warning thumbnail for anyone who turns off “Display Mature Content” or unchecks “Show Deviations with Mature Content” in their settings. Your labeled content will be handled differently during general browsing and searching by members and visitors.

Labeling Subscription Tiers as Mature Content

When creating or editing a Subscription tier, you can adjust that tier’s settings to reflect whether or not it contains Mature Content. If the tier is not marked as containing Mature Content, anyone can view and subscribe to that tier, but if you mark your tier as containing Mature Content, only deviants over 18 years old will be able to view and subscribe. 

Double-check your tier settings to make sure they’re set for an appropriate audience. DeviantArt may review your tier and take administrative action if your Mature Content settings are inaccurate.

Selling Mature Content

If you sell artwork featuring mature content, the cover and preview images for these artworks for sale must still abide by the Terms of Service and follow specific rules:

  • Cover and preview images for Premium Downloads and Exclusives can contain mature content, provided the deviations being sold have the Mature label applied.
  • Cover and preview images for Premium Galleries, commissions, and subscription tiers cannot contain mature content.