How do I report a bug?

When reporting a bug you’ve experienced on DeviantArt, it’s vital to include as much necessary information in your initial report as possible to cut down on the time it takes for the DeviantArt team to resolve the issue you’re encountering.
If you are reporting a bug that occurs on a specific page, please include a direct link to the page in question. If that is a deviation, the deviation link will work, and if it is a specific image, the image URL will also work. 

If your issue relates to a comment or forum thread, include a link to the comment or thread by right-clicking on the timestamp showing when the comment or thread was made and copying the URL from there.
Please note: HTML links and legacy DeviantArt site features like thumbcodes, devcodes, and iconcodes do not work in the contact form, so please only use standard URLs.
If uploading a file or screenshot to your ticket, please save your file as either a .JPG or .PNG. Other filetypes will not be accepted. 

When providing a screenshot, include your entire screen in the screenshot, as that will provide team member with more information, which in turn can lead to your issue being resolved more quickly.
To file a bug report, use DeviantArt’s contact form.